Stuck in idea-mode? Can't seem to get your business up and running? Well, you are in luck because in this post I will show you the top 9 great business quotes that will motivate you to make money. Read on to get your mind ready for success!

1.  "The secret to getting ahead is getting started." - Mark Twain

     This is a great quote because it shows you that you can never be successful, or get ahead, in life, if you never start trying. So, if you have an idea that has been in the back of your mind, go out and try creating a business with it. It doesn't help you if you don't use it.

2. "The key to success is to start before you're ready." - Marie Forleo

     Well, this answers the age old question of "When should I start my business?" Start your business before you're ready, and work out the little kinks as you go along. The sooner you start the sooner you can be successful.

3. "Why not go out on a limb? That's where the fruit is." - Mark Twain

     Another great quote by Mark Twain, that tells you to take a few risks sometimes because no one has ever been successful without taking a few, smart risks.

4. "Build you own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs." - Farrah Gray

     This quote is so great in today's day and age. Either you start your own business and follow you dreams, or become an employee working for another business. What would you rather do?

5. "Don't be afraid to give up the good to go for the great." - John D. Rockefeller

     You may be happy with your job because it's good, but what is stopping you from giving that up, and following you dreams. Later you may be happy with your job because it's great!

6. "Be encouraged. Stay on your hustle. You can't fail until you quit." - Russell Simmons

     The message in this quote, particularly the last sentence, is awesome. If you are feeling disheartened, just remember, you can't fail until you quit. Even if your idea turns out to be not so great, if you work at it, it just might become something greater.

7. "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." - Vince Lombardi

     You have to work hard to be successful, and this quote is all about working hard. No one has ever been successful without working hard, and believing in what they do.

8. "If you can dream it, you can do it." - Walt Disney

     One of the most creative, and successful, man of all time tells you anything is possible, so why not listen? If you have an idea that seems far-fetched, maybe it's not so far-fetched, just try it, see what happens.

9. "The starting point of achievement is desire." - Napoleon Hill

     Our final quote today, and it's a good one. There is nothing in life that comes without desire. You desire food, you eat. You desire education, you go to school. So, in order to have a successful business you have to desire that business. Make it your life. Desire it so much, that when you get sick of desiring it, desire it some more. Then, and only then, will you be successful.

Don't want to create your own business? Read this article to discover three ways to turn $1 into $100, within a DAY!

Thanks for reading, I hope these help you!

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     In case some of you don't know, you credit score is a number, given to you through your social security number at the age of 16-18, that ranges from 300-850, and shows banks, business, etc. whether or not you are safe to lend to. The higher your credit score, the better. The infographic below shows how a, high or low, credit score can affect you. Check you credit score for free here. If you are looking to increase your credit score, here are 5 easy ways to do just that.


Your Credit Score is made up of:

35% Payment History- Late Payments, etc.

30% How Much You Owe- Amount, etc.

15% Length of Credit History- Long, Short, etc.

10% New Credit- New Accounts, etc.

10% Other Factors- Mix of Credit Cards, House Loan, etc.

1. Pay Off Your Credit Card EVERY Month

     When you get billed for your credit card, don't make just the minimum payments, this can end up costing you more AND decreasing your credit score. Instead, pay off all the debt/credit you have, in order to increase your score. Making a late payment or defaulting can decrease your score by as much as 100 points! If you do make timely payments though, you can increase you credit score by as much as 80 points! That is a great boost, and can set you up to increase you credit score even more.

2.  Keep a Low Balance on Your Credit Cards

     Make sure you keep you balance low on all your credit cards and don't hit the credit limit. This shows companies that you are responsible and can handle having large amounts of credit available to you. Also, having higher debt level can dock your score by as much as 80 points. By keeping your debt level low, you can increase your score by, up to, an initial 40 points, but if you make a history of paying on time you can increase your score by an additional 50 points.

3.  Open New Credit Accounts/Loans Only When You Need Them

     If you open too many credit accounts in a short period of time, companies might get nervous that you will rack up debt because you have too much credit available to you, so your credit score may decrease. To combat this, only open up a new credit account when you need one, plus this, along with paying down your credit further, can help raise your score an additional 50 points! Also, taking out big loans for things like a house or a car, initially, decrease you credit score because they are somewhat risky loans. So, it is a good idea to spread out big purchases by at least 1 year, if not more. 

4. Check Your Credit Report Often To Check for Errors

     Have you ever suddenly seen your credit score drop? If you have, this may have been an error, which could have been resolved. When you check you credit report, make sure you look for errors, if you see one, contact the creditor and credit reporting agency, to fix it. This can keep your score from decreasing, on average, 20 points, and it shows companies that you are responsible with checking your credit report.

5.  If You Miss a Payment, Get Up to Date and Stay There

     Once you miss a payment, your score will obviously go down, but that doesn't mean you have to fret too much about it. Evaluate the reason you missed that payment, create a plan, so you don't do it again, and start paying your bills on time and keep it that way. Try setting up automatic payments for things like loans, etc. This shows credit companies that even though you missed a payment, ever since you have been responsible with your credit. Remember the longer you pay your bills on time, the better your score (as much as +40 points). 

Not Old Enough to Have a Credit Score? Read this article to learn the #1 Best Way to Make Money as a Kid! (Adults too!)

Thanks for reading, I hope you learned something!

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     Everyone hates to see their favorite YouTuber "sellout," but in this post I am going to tell you why they aren't a "sellout," and why they do it. Also, for you receptive readers out there, yes, the shocking in the title is in fact sarcasm.

What is a Sellout?

     Well, according to most of the YouTube community, a sellout, is a YouTuber who starts advertising in their videos. What I mean, is that they have a sponsor, and usually at the beginning or end of the video, they will say, "This video is sponsored by (company)." This is usually considered a bad thing and YouTube fans hate to see their favorite YouTuber "sellout." However, according to Google, which owns YouTube, a sellout is actually one of two things, neither of which include YouTuber in it's definition. See the image below. However, in this post I will use the word as if it represents the YouTuber's definition.

Why do YouTubers "Sellout?"

     YouTubers don't sellout, in the words of Anna Akana, they buy in. Imagine this, you started a YouTube channel 3 years ago, now you have 1 million subscribers. Every video, you get about $300 for 300k views, 4/5 of which goes to paying your expenses for that video. A company approaches you and offers to pay an extra $2 per 1000 views, in order for their product to get featured in your video. That means you would get an extra $600! Now instead of profiting $60 per video, you profit $660. You now can afford to produce better videos, do giveaways, and interact with your fans better. Seems like the perfect solution, right? Everything is great, until you look in the comment section of that video, and almost 3/4 of the comments call you a sellout and say they are unsubscribing. Now, you have about 800k subscribers, most of which are mad at you. Can you see how this is unbelievably unfair?

     The one and only reason a YouTuber "sells out" is to produce better videos for their viewers and subscribers. 

How You Can Help

     Support you favorite YouTuber in their decisions. If they choose to buy in to their videos, don't hate, because you know this means better videos are to come, so you can have a more pleasurable viewing experience. For all those comments that say sellout, you can refer them to this article, or explain why that YouTuber isn't a sellout. However, do not start a flame war which could hurt the channel. Overall, just be a productive viewer, that takes part in the success and failure of the channel.

For all those YouTube viewers out there, who get mad when they see their favorite YouTuber buy in, just remember, What would you do in their position?

Don't have a YouTube channel or watch YouTube, read this article to learn 3 Unbelievable Ways to Turn $1 into $100 in a DAY.

Thanks for reading, I hope you learned something!

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